
What Is A Standing Seam Metal Roof?

Have you ever noticed that when your shirt gets snagged as you are cleaning around your house that it doesn’t rip? Even if you had turned to do something else and felt it tug hard, it still is able to withstand the pressure. Your shirt’s ability to not rip is due to the strength of the seams that hold your […]

Dealing With Storm Damage Throughout Your Home

As a homeowner, you may not where to begin when your home has storm damage. Through insurance claims, material lists, and contractors, you may even feel like your head is spinning a bit. Keeping calm and accurately assessing your damage is the key to getting your life back to normal fast. But, how do you know if you have roof […]

Taking Care of Your Rain Gutters

It’s easy to forget about your rain gutters. As they hang their from your home’s fascia board, it may feel like an insignificant part of your roofing system. However, that couldn’t be any further from the truth. Here’s why! What Damage Can a Leaking Gutter Cause? You’d be amazed by the damage that broken gutters can inflict on your home! […]

Getting a Roof Inspection Before You Sell: Is It a Good Idea?

Getting a roof inspection is never a bad idea. If you haven’t gotten one in a while, it may be time to do so, especially if you are about to sell your home. The reason for this is because if you go into selling your home with full disclosure that your roof is up to date and doesn’t have any […]

What Kind Of Damage Can a Roof Leak Do?

A roof leak can happen on your roof at any time. You may not know that you have damage on your roof or that there is any possibility of a leak at all. When you end up with a leak in your roof, you may or may not notice for awhile, it really depends on a few things: how bad […]

Consider Impact Resistant Shingles

Your roof is one thing that you probably don’t think about often. You assume that the shingles on your home will keep you protected and be able to withstand the amount of time they were said to. The problem is, some roofing materials were not built to withstand heavy weather or hail. If the hail is big enough or persistent […]

Signs You Need a New Shingle Roof

Asphalt shingles are the most popular roofing solution in the country. When you consider their affordability and relative resilience, this makes perfect sense. For a low price, you can have a quality, attractive roof that can last up to 20 years. The day will come, however, when you need to replace your shingle roof. A number of issues can create […]

Indispensable Strategies for Roof Maintenance

When you invest in a roof, you undoubtedly want to receive the best value for your money. While a lot depends on the skill of your contractors and quality of your installation, certain practices can extend the life of any roof. To save yourself the expense of an early roof replacement, make sure you enact the following strategies for roof […]

The New Look of Metal Roofing

For years, metal roofing has been considered to be a rustic but durable roofing solution. While it has many advantages, many homeowners didn’t want to install a metal roof because of its appearance. However, time has made way for a brand new metal roof selection that provides aesthetics and performance like never before. Metal Shingle Roofing These shingles, constructed from […]

Signs You Need a Roof Replacement

Your roofing materials are not going to last forever. Eventually, you will need to have them replaced in order to protect your home from water damage. When you need a roof replacement, it is a great time to consider upgrading to a stronger roofing material, such as metal roofing panels or impact resistant shingles. Whatever you need for your for […]