Installation and Repair for Synthetic Shake Shingles

For homeowners who desire the traditional allure of a wood shake shingle roof, but don’t want the work of maintaining it, Quantum Roofing provides installation of synthetic shake shingles in Arden, NC. Installation of synthetic shake shingles is much easier and the finished roof doesn’t require as much attention as a traditional wood roof. For additional information concerning this specialized roofing system, connect with our staff at 828-808-5955.

Reasons to Select Synthetic Shake Shingles

Synthetic Wood Shingles
Synthetic shingle shakes can present the appearance of wood without the hassle.

Once a cedar roof has been completed, it requires a significant amount of extra maintenance. In order to stop moss and algae growth from damaging the roof, shake shingles need cleaning every couple of months. Woodshake roofs need extra inspections to stay ahead of harm caused by wood rot. Cedar shake roofs also need specialized installation to account for the way wood changes over time. The installation process for synthetic shake shingles is the same as traditional shingles and these roofs do not require a lot of maintenance. In fact, the only major attention required for a synthetic shake shingle roof is a yearly examination.

Severe weather does not typically have any significant effect on synthetic shake shingles. They can endure winds as strong as 200 mph and 106 mph driving rain. Fire, mold, mildew, and termites have no effect on synthetic shake shingles. With such a strong roof, you will spend less money on additional roofing repairs.

Set Up Your Roofing Services

Synthetic shake shingles provide the chance for a rural, charming, durable roof that offers exceptional protection for your home. Quantum Roofing is proud to offer the installation of premium roofing materials in Arden, NC. If you would like more knowledge concerning these or other synthetic shingles, call our staff at 828-808-5955. Our commitment is to provide professional roofing accompanied by the best client service. We work hard to make sure you get the strongest possible roof for your home.